Each company has its own story - how it all started, how the company has developed, and what goals were achieved. Our story began 15 years ago and since then our goal has always been to help companies implement their vision through the responsible use of technology.
For modern businesses, high-quality technology services are essential for everyday tasks as well as larger projects. Our experts at ICodeFactory provide three types of services: IT solutions, IT training, and IT consulting and we wanted to take this opportunity to present our services in more detail.

IT solutions
We understand that in today’s world, the implementation of new technology is undoubtedly very important. That is why we work very closely with our clients on every project to understand their needs and goals. Providing IT solutions means that our experts are responsible for the complete process of software development, from architecture to production. We offer our clients a variety of services and support needed to maintain efficient and effective IT systems. From the design, development and launch and maintenance of their products or services.
We are very proud to say that our customers come across a wide range of industries – from Knowledge management, Information and communication industry to Logistics, Telecommunications, Electrical, Metal industry and more.
When we talk about an innovative and creative approach to IT solutions, we also offer customized solutions that meet the needs of different clients and stay up to date with the ever-changing requirements of IT business. If you are interested in learning more about why we think this approach is the best for businesses, check out our article “Why Investing in Custom Software Pays off“.
IT training
Every company wants to have employees who are the best in their professions and to achieve that goal, it is important to invest in employees and give them the opportunity to acquire the right skills and knowledge so that they can reach their full potential. Professional development is also very motivating for continuing learning and achieving more. It gives employees the right tools they need for their goals, and it is beneficial for both them and the company.
Being a Microsoft Gold partner means that our Microsoft Certified Trainers have the highest level of competence, which makes them excellent at delivering training to our clients. In addition to knowing all about the latest technologies, they have gained years of real-world experience in a variety of industries, making them experts in sharing knowledge with others.
When delivering training and passing on valuable lessons, what matters is the approach. One style of training is not suitable for everyone, so we also offer customized courses. Every employee has their own unique set of skills, and we need to get to know them to be able to focus on what is important, to achieve the maximum results. After completing the training, we assess the current level of skills that employees have and how successful the training was.
IT consulting
As we have already mentioned, today’s business environment and technology are changing rapidly, so sometimes a little guidance is needed. For whatever challenges companies might be experiencing, we are here to help evaluate their IT needs and form an appropriate plan for the necessary improvements.
We always strive to help our clients improve the quality of their systems, understand their goals, business processes and analyze the capabilities of their current systems. Our experienced professionals help improve organizations and enable teams to focus on their core business goals - they are true technology strategists, equipped with the expertise and experience to help make intelligent decisions to achieve the desired state of the digital business and solve all the complex technological needs.
We are here for simple advice or to create a whole entire plan for your business and technological needs.
We believe you enjoyed hearing about our services. Now that you know more about ICodeFactory and our field of expertise, feel free to reach out to us if you need help implementing your vision. We are ready to share our knowledge and use our expertise to help you!

This year we are celebrating 15 years of ICodeFactory! During this time, we have crossed many milestones, achieved a lot, and overcame big challenges along the way. Every year we learned something new, and we wanted to use this opportunity to share the 15 most important lessons we have learned in the last 15 years.
You may be wondering, why are we doing this? If you have been with us for a while, you probably know that sharing experiences and knowledge is very important to us - it is the best way to hear something new and connect with others. Whenever you have a goal, or you want to set one, it is always a good idea to reflect on the past and what you have already achieved. You have probably learned a lot from your previous experiences along the way and you can implement those lessons as you create new goals. Therefore, as we prepare for our next 15 years, we want to share our lessons with you. Hope you enjoy and gain value from them!
1. Consistency is key
Success does not come overnight. As you probably already know, our credo is Implement Your Vision, but in order to do that, we have to be consistent in achieving our goals, take small steps and learn every day. The results eventually come and when we look back, we are very proud of our projects - some of which we have been working on for more than a decade. It is great to remember how it was when we first started working on them, how far we have come, and we are very excited to continue developing them even further. Today, we are proud of every achieved goal and every partner that has been with us on this long path of learning, professional growth, and continued success.
2. Your values matter
Whatever we do, whether it is working on realization of cutting-edge ideas, creating new software solutions, or communicating with partners and clients, we always keep our core values in mind. Having a professional approach and being respectful, putting our expertise to work, responding to various requests, and finding the best solutions can go a long way.
3. Know your domain of expertise
The tech world is always changing, but we have always known our domain of expertise. As a Gold Microsoft Partner for more than a decade, we have provided the best technical solutions to solve the biggest business challenges. Our team of MCTs have also provided the most successful training worldwide. If you are interested to see some of the places we have visited while passing on knowledge, check out this link: https://bit.ly/ICF2017yearofeducation
Our approach is to choose technologies and domains we are specialized in, use competencies we are great at and continue to work on them and dedicate our expertise to be the best in providing different services: IT solutions, IT training and IT consulting.
4. Teamwork makes the dream work
The foundation of every plan, strategy, and goal! Behind every successful business is a great team of experts who share common goals, always nurture a growth mindset and love finding solutions to every challenge. Being open to giving and receiving feedback, helping each other and sharing ideas is what we have found to be key ingredients to successful teamwork. One for all and all for one – that is how ICodeFactory team is functioning!
5. Invest in the future
The key to success is realizing how important training and employee development are. For us to achieve our goals, we must be open to learning, gaining, and sharing knowledge. By investing in knowledge, we are investing in the future. Our focus is to empower our team members to reach their full potential, by working on strengthening their skills and building new ones. One of the benefits available to every employee in ICodeFactory is having an opportunity and support to get Microsoft Certifications.
In addition to internal training, our team of experienced Microsoft Certified trainers and professionals also share their knowledge around the world and are thus able to make a powerful impact and significant changes on other successful business solutions.
6. Keep up with the latest trends
If you want to grow and move forward every day, you have to prepare and always be on the lookout to see what is coming next, especially when it comes to your technology stack. We are using .NET for our services, as we find it to be the best for creating innovative software solutions. Interesting fact: check out our NEWS section (http://bit.ly/ICF_news) and get a glimpse of how our tech stack has developed and changed over the years, you can go back all the way to 2008!
7. Forget the “one size fits all” approach
Every client and every project is different, so there is no one solution that suits everyone. Providing services in a variety of industries has taught us that the best approach is always a custom one. The goal is to first understand the needs of each client, understand the current state, and then set a goal for the future and action steps to get there. Once that is complete, our experts can use their strong technical background to help you bring your ideas to life. In this way, we have supported the complete process of software development, from idea to production, from architecture to implementation. Together with our clients, we built successful business stories!
8. Everyone starts as a beginner
It is easy to forget that starting a career can be a big challenge when you have just finished your studies. Supporting and investing in students and young talents who are just starting is really important. That is why we organize internships and Microsoft training, several times a year. Allowing them to go through a full-time training where they work on real-world projects helps them become more confident and ready for new adventures. We are grateful that by doing so, we have had the opportunity to meet amazing young talents and our future colleagues.
9. The more you share, the more you have
Sharing knowledge within a team is great, but it is important to share it with others! Our Microsoft Certified Trainers are always ready to help and teach others the newest information and skills in the tech world. Having worked on various real-world projects in different industries, it makes them the best for the job of sharing their expertise with those who want to advance their career. This gave us the opportunity to meet amazing people and start new projects. Remember, sharing knowledge always leads to new opportunities!
10. Be open to feedback
Even though we have already briefly mentioned it, this one applies not only to business, but to every workday as well. Everyone wants to be successful at what they do and to become an expert, you have to be open to giving, as well as receiving feedback. Your opinion matters, as well as the opinions of your colleagues. Being open to feedback means we are open to learning, growing, and becoming better. To succeed we have built culture values that prioritize being open when communicating with others.
11. How strong is your WHY?
Through the ups and the downs, the highs and lows, there is one thing to always keep in mind, and that is why we are doing something. Knowing the purpose behind every action is very helpful when it comes to making decisions and creating new strategies. For us, that has always been wanting to become outstanding software engineers and professionals, as well as to enable people and businesses to implement their vision through a responsible use of technology and fifteen years later, our goals are still the same.
12. Find your balance
It is great to work hard and get results but taking the time to rest and enjoy activities outside of work should be a priority too. Rest is essential for our wellbeing - it can even lead us to be more productive! You may have already seen how we like to combine work with other activities, and if not, here is just one example: https://bit.ly/ICodeFerence2018
13. Change is the only constant
Our biggest lesson when it comes to change in general, is to always be open to it, and look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn something new - there is always a solution to every situation. And one thing is certain – change is inevitable, but it is a matter of choice whether you will use it for personal and professional development or not. We always keep that in mind.
14. Build partnerships
As it is usually in life, it is easier and better at work when you have great partners by your side! Our goal is to always form trust-based and long-term partnerships, whether it is with other companies, clients, employees, etc. Being a Microsoft partner for more than a decade is something we highly value - it has brought us a lot of knowledge, experience, and amazing opportunities. Read more about who our partners for success are here: https://bit.ly/PartnersForSuccess
15. Love what you do
Finally, it may seem obvious, but truly, the most important lesson is to love what you do. Here in ICodeFactory, we are not just programming – we are passionate about coding, understanding the business needs of each project and always trying to find the best solution to every challenge we encounter. Our team of dedicated engineers is inspired daily by small personal and professional improvements, and significant team achievements. We are motivated by knowledge and professional growth and with the same enthusiasm and expertise we would like to contribute to your business stories, and help you achieve your mission and goals.
As a company that stands for lifelong learning, it was a challenge to choose only 15 lessons to share with everyone, there are so many more we wanted to mention. Fifteen years is a long time, and we are very proud and grateful that our first 15 years have been the way that they have.
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with us all this time, we could not have done it without your support! Our team is looking forward to the next 15 years and everything that is yet to come! If you found these learnings interesting or you want to hear more about the company, feel free to reach out to us! We are here to listen and help you implement your vision.